(CIS-intern) – Red Warszawa is a heavy metal band from Copenhagen, Denmark. The band was formed in 1986 by “Lækre” Jens Mondrup and “Heavy” Henning Nymand. They both went to secondary school in Borup, Zealand, Denmark. The band is one of the very few – if not the only – successful metal band singing their lyrics in the Danish language.
Foto: Presse red warszawa
There are many other successful Danish metal bands, all singing in English, but Red Warszawa also differs by entirely singing satirical lyrics about morbid things such as hard drinking, obesity, gay rape, eating children, children murdering the elderly and so on. Recurring themes are social misery and intoxicant abuse, nurturing the bands self-chosen image as being very stupid, uneducated and of low class and society.
30. November 2012 ab 20 Uhr
Roxy Concerts